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Discount Pepper Sprays for Self Defense

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We offer high-quality, discounted pepper spray that’s been tested and designed for your self-defense needs. Check out our wide selection of brands like…

  • Mace Defense Sprays
  • Pepper Shot
  • Wildfire

We’ve got the style and type to suit your needs. Whether you need one for your…

  • Keychain
  • Car
  • Home Defense

Is pepper spray good for self-defense?

Yes, pepper spray can be useful in many situations. It contains capsaicin, which is the chemical that makes peppers hot. This can be extremely painful for the person sprayed, causing eye swelling and difficulty breathing, which can knock an attacker out for several minutes. While the effects vary, they are generally milder than the consequences of a physical attack. Remember, pepper spray is not a lethal weapon and should be used only as a last resort.

There are many pepper spray products on the market, so it’s important to choose the right type for your needs. You can select from traditional aerosol sprays or those that combine capsaicin with CS tear gas. Some sprays include an invisible UV dye to make them less visible. Smaller sprays can be attached to a keychain for easy access. The best self-defense pepper spray will help protect you from harm.

Using pepper spray is straightforward but requires proper training. Always stand back to maintain balance and ensure you don’t compromise your accuracy by closing your eyes. Move your arm as if shaking a paint can, fanning the spray to hit your target effectively. If you’re not comfortable using pepper spray, consider other self-defense options like a handgun.

Be aware of the laws in your state regarding pepper spray use. In an attack, you need to stay within about five feet of your attacker, which is the effective range of most sprays. Pepper spray can confuse an attacker long enough for you to escape, but it won’t incapacitate them permanently.

Where do you spray pepper spray?

Always aim for the face, covering the eyes, nose, and mouth to impair the attacker’s ability to see and breathe. Practice holding and aiming the canister correctly to ensure accuracy during an actual confrontation. It’s best stored in an easily accessible place like a jacket pocket rather than on a keychain.

What makes pepper spray hot?

The key ingredient is oleoresin capsicum, an oil found in hot peppers, containing capsaicin. This compound activates pain receptors and sends signals to the brain, causing intense discomfort. While pepper spray formulations vary, the principle remains the same: the capsaicin content determines the heat and effectiveness of the spray.

Remember, before using pepper spray, get some training and practice to handle it safely and effectively.