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personal home security

Guard Your Swim: Innovative Pool Alarms to Protect Your Family

Pool alarms are essential for safety, and you have various types. Surface wave detection alarms activate when waves disturb the water’s surface. Subsurface alarms below the waterline respond to underwater pressure changes, providing more precise detection. Gate alarms secure the pool area, alerting you when someone opens the gate. Wristband alarms monitor children, sounding an

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DIY Pool Safety: How to Set Up Your Pool Alarm Quickly! How to Install Pool Alarm To install a pool alarm, first get your motion alarm for your pool by clicking here, next assess your pool’s size, layout, and usual activities to choose the right alarm. You’ll need tools like a drill, screwdriver, and safety gear. Clean and prepare the installation area, making sure the

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Use a Beer Can Diversion Safe to Hide Your Valuables in Plain Sight

You can use a beer can diversion safe to conceal your valuables in plain sight. These safes are made from actual beer can containers. You can choose from a variety of models and make sure your beer can diversion safe looks authentic. Some brands include Corona, Budweiser, and Heineken. To make it even more realistic,

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Home Burglary Prevention Tips

So, exactly what does a house prowler desire? Through experience we have learned that a thief mostly likes mostly things that belong to others and there are 2 main conditions that make it easy for a robber to get those things: An Open invitation A fast, easy, undetected entry and exit You don’t stuff a

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Hide your Possessions in Plain Site with the Use of a Hidden Book Safe

The use of a hidden book safe to hide important valuable items has been around for as long as books have been in print. It can certainly be considered an age old practice. Hollowing out a book and turning it into a safe has always been a great way to keep your valuables safe. Whether

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Burglar Breaking into a House - Get a DIY Home Security System

Going on Vacation? Don’t Leave Your Home Unprotected

8 Tips to protect your home while on vacation. 1) Don’t advertise to a potential house burglar that you are not home. Homes are most vulnerable when they are left empty for a long period of time. When your newspaper and mail begin to pile up, the windows are all dark or the windows are closed

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DIY Home Security Information

Saving Big with DIY Home Security

As the economy slips down the tubes we can fully expect an increase in freeloaders, thieves and burglars. With this in mind, homeowners and anyone looking to keep their possessions safe may want to consider beefing up security around the homestead. There are many ways the basic DIY home security alarm system can be improved

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