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Carry Pepper Spray on College Campus? Yes or No?

So the the question posed is would students be more safe if they could carry pepper spray on the Campus of Western Michigan University? This question was addressed in the following article..

Women Pointing Multi Colored Pepper SprayWestern Michigan University has a strict policy of being a weapons-free campus, but many students said they would feel safer if they were allowed to carry mace or pepper spray.

According to the WMU handbook of rights and responsibilities, carrying a weapon on campus is illegal and considered a crime under the American Legal System.

Officer Andrew Bachmann, of the WMU Police, said that any student caught carrying mace or pepper spray on campus is guilty of a rule violation. At that point, the Office of Student Conduct would get involved.

Many students would feel more protected if they were allowed to carry mace or pepper spray with them.

Joseph Mangas, a computer science major, and Mary VerDuin, a global and international studies major, believe that it’s ridiculous that mace and pepper spray are not allowed on campus.

“They could at least allow it at night,” VerDuin said. “We don’t have anything with us, except maybe an umbrella, and that’s only if it’s raining.”

Kimberly Smith, an English major at WMU, said that she understands why students are not allowed to carry mace or pepper spray on campus, but, at the same time, she feels that it’s “interfering with people wanting to protect themselves.” — Article by Abby Williams — Read More

I hope they do allow students to carry pepper spray on campus. Michigan has defined the types of pepper spray that can be carried in that State and the College would be doing a service to better protect their students by allowing them to carry Pepper Spray.

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