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Kubotan for Women’s Self Defense

What makes using a kubotan for women’s self defense such and excellent option? And what exactly is a kubotan? Let’s first start by understanding a kubotan self defense keychain.

Kubotan with keysIt is a four to six inches of aluminum, plastic, metal and sometime wooden rod with a key ring attached to it.

The Kubotan was originally designed by Master Takayuki Kubota specifically for law enforcement agencies. He has taught martial arts and Kubotan self defense techniques to law enforcement officers and the general public for more than 50 years.

Kubotans, with a little bit of self defense training, are an effective means of personal protection and can be carried just about everywhere.

When women are instructed in some of the basic strikes and kubotan techniques they quickly realize the effectiveness of these excellent self defense weapons.

Kubotans used against the vital strike points of the body will quickly dispatch an attacker. Learning and understanding how to apply various striking techniques and joint manipulations greatly improves a woman’s personal self defense and safety

If you then take the next step and teach specific counter moves to common attacks against women such as;

  1. Front Standing View Black Aircraft Grade Aluminum Kubotan Self Defense KeychainWrits Grabs
  2. Arm Grabs
  3. Chokes (front, back or side)
  4. Punches (strikes)
  5. Bear Hugs
  6. Purse Grabs

Kubotans are still an extremely versatile and popular self-defense tool and are used by many professional security individuals.

So, why would a woman consider carrying a kubotan keychain.

Let’s look first at a few crime facts:

  1. 1 in 6 women will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime
  2. College age women are 4 times more likely to be assaulted
  3. Every 2 minutes someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted
  4. One burglary occurs every 10 seconds
  5. One violent crime occurs every 20 seconds
  6. One aggravated assault occurs every 35 seconds.

The crime statics above combined with the effectiveness of the kubaton make it a great self defense item for your;

  1. Mom,
  2. Daughter
  3. Sister
  4. Aunt
  5. Cousin

Or any woman looking to improve her basic personal security. So, next time someone asks you “what is a good self defense weapon for women“, tell them about the kubotan self-defense device.

Here is a great video demonstrating some women’s self defense techniques with the kubotan keychain.

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