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The Simplicity of a Kubotan Keychain for Self Defense

Black Aircraft Grade Aluminum Kubotan Keychain Viewed in HandFor many years I have carried a kubotan keychain for self defense. It is a simple, yet effective self defense weapon that can be used on pressure points or as a striking weapon. A while back a friend of mine discovered the simplicity of the Kubotan for self defense situation.

He worked very hard to become a college professor and it was something that he had dreamed of. He was both fortunate and excited to have landed his first post graduate teaching job at a great college. Even thought he started working the night classes and would often get stuck on campus late.

This wasn’t really a worry, that is until one of his fellow instructors was attacked heading home one night. He began to worry about his own personal safety. He knew that I carried a self defense kubotan on my key chain and inquired about them..

Black Aircraft Grade Aluminum Kubotan Keychain Viewed in HandI explained to him that kubotans are self defense items in the form of a stick, they are typically connected to key chains. At first glance they appear as if they could not inflict any damage. The opposite is true, kubotans were actually created for personal protection.

This kind of keychain self defense device is usually made out of hard plastic, aluminum and and sometimes wood. They are almost unbreakable. My friend was very curious about their potential and wanted to understand precisely how a kubotan self defense keychain could save his live and since he was just starting into his working career, he loved their affordability.

Furthermore, he found it handy that key chain kubotans are small. light and easy to carry around. My friend surely didn’t want to travel around campus with any kind of noticeable small self defense weapon in his possession.

It took some convincing that this kind of innocent-looking self defense tool could cause physical pain. But when I showed him how they could cause an incapacitating injury if you hit the bony parts of the body like the collarbone, kneecap or the bridge of the nose. I also demonstrated how you can cause pain by poking tender parts of the anatomy like the leg, the solar plexus and the arm.

Front Standing View Black Aircraft Grade Aluminum Kubotan Self Defense KeychainHe was most impressed when I explained how the kubotan could be used to attack pressure points on the body. I taught him to carry it in the same manner as an ice pick or perhaps a knife and to strike or poke the attacker in sensitive parts of the body. As a matter of fact it is utilized by law enforcement due to its effectiveness.

Once he realized the kubotan Keychain self defense tool was simple to handle and easy to use, he was thrilled that he had asked me about mine.I feel much better knowing that he can now safeguard myself and he assures me that he never leave the house without it connected to his keys.

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