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Woman Robbed at Knife Point while at the ATM

We are on a bit of a them the past few blog posts. It started back a few post with the Tips for Avoiding a Robbery at the ATM. As I was preparing that post and researching different items, I came across two different ATM Robberies caught on video.

They were very different in how both the bad guy and the victim reacted during the attack. In the first video, the perpetrator was very aggressive and sneaking and the victim chose to fight back. You can watch that one by clicking here.

In this next ATM robbery caught on tape the attacker brandishes a knife making this a very dangerous situation. The victim decides to take a more defensive and compliant approach to surviving her situation. Watch below to see for yourself.

As was revealed in the above ATM robbery there are different ways to handle such a scenario. This woman again chose to comply, but judging by her stance she was ready to react if the bad decided to become violent.

Could she have used some pepper spray or a hidden stun gun? Even the noise of a personal alarm may have chased this guy away, but these things would have needed to be deployed at the start, when the bad first walked in or if the situation turned violent.

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