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Women calls 911 but No Police are Available to Help

I came across this article and the 911 call, I must warn you that is is a very disturbing situation and one that has me feeling very bad for the woman whom was assaulted. While, I do believe law enforcement was in caught between a rock and a hard place,

I would think that something could have been done for the victim? I have daughters and other women in my life that could be in this kind of situation. This makes my heart hurt, but this is one of the main reasons I formed my website in hopes that I could at least help prevent even one of these types of incidents though..

  1. Personal Security Knowledge
  2. Self Defense Training
  3. Personal Self Defense Weapons

This situations reveals how important women self defense training is and the need to help women protect themselves is great. My hope is that in sharing this with the world will help get the word out about the need to help increase the personal security of women. This is a mission worth pursuing and one I intend to pursue. With all that said here is the article and the call I came across..

Dispatch tape: “Oregon State Police Police, this is Ray. Hi Ray, this is Deena, Jo-County 911. I have a caller.” The Oregon State Police say their primary responsibility isn’t responding to 911 calls like this one. It’s traffic safety, patrolling the highways. But in the rural parts of Josephine County, the State Police are often the only law enforcement agents available on the weekends.

Since the county layoffs, their office in Grants Pass has received about 3 times as many calls as in the past. But it’s a small office. Here’s a recording of the state police dispatcher’s response to the woman’s call for help that day.

State police tape: “Uh, I don’t have anybody to send out there. You know, obviously, if he comes inside the residence and assaults you, can you ask him to go away? Do you know if he’s intoxicated or anything?” Read More..

There is no guarantee that a self defense weapon would have altered the outcome of this horrible situation, but it maybe something like self defense pepper spray or even a personal Taser would have at least caused the attacker pause when deciding whether or not to proceed.

It is a very sad situation and I hope this woman can recover in time. It does reveal the need for self protection in this often violent world.

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