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Will Pepper Spray Stop a Dog Attack, like the Fatal Attack of a 63 yr old Woman?

Will Pepper Spray Stop a Dog Attack?

Self Defense from Dog Attack

It certainly may have have helped. I am always getting news feeds, looking up crimes and other situations like this fatal dog attack in order to help me better understand the best ways I can assist other in keeping safe by understanding situations like the one below.

On May 9th, 2013 in the Antelope Valley town of Littlerock, Pamela Devitt was killed in a fatal dog attack. She was 63 years young.

Here is part of the original fatal dog attack news report:

“Numerous strays also roam the desert. Residents say Littlerock has become a dumping ground for unwanted dogs. “A car will come down the street at 40 mph, slow down and a door will open,” said longtime resident David Cleveland.

“A dog will be pushed out. It will tumble once or twice and let out a yelp, and then the car will take off.” The dogs then head for the desert, where they meet other strays, Cleveland said. “And when you have five to seven of them in a group — that is a very dangerous situation.”

For years, residents in Littlerock and other towns in the High Desert have complained about stray and vicious dogs. Then a woman was fatally mauled by a pack of pit bulls May 9, resulting in murder charges against the dogs’ owner this week.

Now, both residents and Los Angeles County officials are vowing to finally do something about the problem. Neighbors say they carry sticks, rocks and even guns to shoo away the animals. “You just have to do whatever you can to get them away,” Carolyn Eslick said. —

Read More about Fatal Dog Attack

I must finish this blog by saying, I am very much a dog lover and I have owned a Pit Bull in the past. He was a great dog and never once was aggressive to me, my children nor anyone else.

Self Defense against a Dog AttackThat being said, I have always been a responsible dog owner no matter what breed was part of our family. It is the owners or former owners of these dogs whom I blame in vicious and unnecessary fatal dog attack.

Tragedies like this fatal dog attack are a failure in personal security, I am in no way implying that the victim has any fault in this situation, only that we should learn from it and if one person is saved from a similar fate, maybe this fatal dog attack is not in vain.

We at Security Defense Weapons continue to strive to help prevent this type of tragedy through;

  1. Safety Awareness
  2. Personal Security Knowledge
  3. Personal Self Defense Training

I am very sad for the family of this woman and hope this tragedy can somehow prompt others to increase their awareness of the types of personal security situation, by learning ways that will increase survive-ability in such a situation.

Carrying some dog pepper spray or an electronic dog chaser with you may be just the personal security tools needed to help another person from becoming a victim of this type of brutal attack.

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