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What Should be in a Women Self Defense Kit?

The man in smoke following the woman in the dark street

Keeping a women’s self defense kit handy is important in an attack. Not only will it deter attackers, but it can also keep you alive. Listed below are the most important items that should be included in your self defense kit. Having one handy can prevent you from getting attacked. These items can be easily concealed in your purse, so they are the perfect gifts for your female friends and relatives. In case you find yourself in a dangerous situation, having these tools at your fingertips is essential.

What is the best thing to carry for self-defense?

Pepper spray. Although many women may not be in good shape, they can be armed with pepper spray to defend themselves. The powerful pepper spray contains oleoresin capsicum (OC), which is derived from hot Cayenne pepper. This self-defense tool is extremely useful if you’re being attacked. It’s also a great exercise tool that can help you stay safe when you’re out hiking.

Pink Stun Gun with Spikes Viewing in woman Hand– A cat-shaped stun gun. The Spike 65 million-volt stun gun is part of the Ladies Choice self-defense line. It’s a good choice for women. This stun gun utilizes “squeeze and shock” technology. The zap button is concealed, making it more effective when a woman is attacked. This stun gun also includes a flashlight, personal panic alarm, and a battery charger.

– A pepper spray or a stun gun. A taser is also a great option for self defense. These devices are extremely convenient and effective for women. A keychain with a taser can save your life if you get attacked. A good choice for women is the Slider Self Defense Keychain Taser. It looks like a normal USB drive, but it’s a powerful weapon that can be used with natural instinctive moves.


Other Items to keep in your self defense weapons kit

A women’s self-defense kit should include a flashlight stun gun and a pepper spray. A flashlight stun gun is a great choice for women because it can protect you in rain and wind, but it’s not lethal. Nonetheless, it can knock out an attacker for a few minutes. This is a good option for any woman who is concerned about their safety. If you’re afraid to use a firearm, then you should get a nonlethal stun gun or some pepper spray.

If you’re hiking alone, carry pepper spray and an alarm. These items can be used as self defense when you’re alone, but they can also be useful if you’re in a situation where you don’t feel safe. In the event that someone attacks you, the alarm can be used to scare off the attacker. Another helpful item for a women’s self defense kit is a stun gun walking cane.

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