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What is Mace Triple Action Pepper Spray?

Triple Action Feature ImageThe Mace Triple Action defense spray is a deadly combination of three powerful self defense agents. It combines CN tear gas, OC pepper spray, and UV marking dye. These ingredients cause choking and eye closure, and the effects are almost instant. Even when hit elsewhere, the chemical causes an intense burning sensation that disorients the attacker. This makes it easy for the police to identify the attacker. However, the spray is not recommended for use around children.

The Mace Triple Action Pocket is ideal for women, and its three-in-one formula is effective for self-defense. It has a compact, flip-top safety cap and finger grip dispenser. It also contains a CN-Tear Gas mix with an invisible ultraviolet dye. The red pepper in the spray causes the capillaries in the eyes to swell. The UV-Dye in the product stain the attacker’s clothing and skin, allowing the police to quickly identify the perpetrator.

The Mace Triple Action Pepper Spray also includes a UV-marking dye, which makes it easier for law enforcement to track down an attacker. This chemical binds to TRPV1, and if the attacker flees, it will be more visible under black light. The spray also contains stilbenes, which are optical brighteners. They absorb ultraviolet light and reflect it back at the attacker. This is a great defense tool, but it is not recommended for people who are sensitive to odors.

Mace Triple Action Police Pepper Spray Shown In HandThe Mace Triple Action Pocket is a convenient, versatile self-defense device that fits comfortably in women’s hands. It is a versatile self-defense tool that is easy to carry around and can be easily aimed. The active ingredient Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) causes an intense burning sensation that causes eye closure and disorientation. The CN TEAR GAS combines with UV dye to cause a long-lasting residue on the victim.

Mace Triple Action is a highly effective non-lethal self-defense weapon that is easily concealed and easy to use. Its powerful chemicals are designed to disorient and disperse attackers. It is recommended for women who are out and about and who want to remain protected. The Mace pepper spray is available in several sizes to meet the needs of any user. Some pepper sprays are designed to be carried on keychains.

Mace is a multi-faceted, innovative company that manufactures personal defense sprays. The company’s products have been a trusted name in pepper spray since 1970. The brand’s products have been designed for maximum effectiveness and safety, and are manufactured with powerful formulas and unique safety features. The flip-top safety cap prevents accidental discharge, while the finger-grip design allows for maximum accuracy. Its product is a convenient choice for home and office security.

Although mace pepper spray has been in existence for many years, the legality of purchasing a can for self-defense is a controversial issue. Despite its high-quality reputation, it can still be illegal to sell to minors in some states. Some states have even banned its sale to children. In addition, it is not recommended for use in the home where children may be present. The mace brand is widely available in many colors and is highly visible.

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