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The Importance of Pepper Spray Training

Knife self defense After someone is mugged or attacked they often start searching for a spray to purchase and begin carrying a self defense pepper spray. While this is an excellent form of personal security, the reality is they must also add some form of pepper spray training and research.

They may have read about how pepper spray works and that it will give an opponent a burning pain in their eyes and on their skin leaving them temporarily disabled giving you time to get away and find assistance. They realize that defense sprays are non lethal and leaves absolutely no long term harm.

Although a self defense spray is generally simple to use it is very important to know how to use them in different conditions. There are many great pepper spray resources on the internet, but sometimes seeing it in print helps it to sick in better.

The Tactical Use of Defense Spray Manual covers facts about defense sprays and how to best use them to bring criminals to their knees. It was written by Doug Lamb whom is a nationally known self defense specialist.

This pepper spray manual not only trains you how to choose pepper spray, but also how to carry and make use of it. The pepper spray training manual will show you how to use your defense spray against a..

  1. Firearm
  2. Knife
  3. Number of assailants
  4. Intruder in your home
  5. Date rape

There are so many other things that this defense spray training book Tactical Self-defense Pepper Spray Training Book Front Cover Viewthat makes it really helpful to every day people looking to increase their personal self defense. I have even showed it to a police officer friend of mine and he said ever pepper spray should be accompany one.

Another thing you should find out about prior to purchasing your personal defense spray is the laws on its use in different states. Once you are certain that your chosen self defense spray is authorized in your area, you have protected yourself by not disobeying the law.

I recently had a stories sent to me about someone whom had purchased a pepper spray from our store. They were walking home coming from work and saw a mugging. They ran up to the mugger, blasted them in the face with their pepper spray. The attacker hit the ground and he helped the mugging victim contact the authorities.

I was pleased that he was able to help someone else using his 18% Wildfire Pepper Spray. He was so proud of this, when he could not even help myself previously against an assailant. If he hadn’t learned more about using defense spray this would not have been possible.

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