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Taking a Break from the Serious Side of Personal Security

Personal security and self defense are very important to me, but sometimes you just have to take a step back from the craziness of this world and laugh a bit. Most of the blog post here are going to geared towards your personal security and safety.

While it is important to carry pepper spray or install a new surveillance system in your home or business, we do all of these things to have some peace of mind.

So, in this crazy political environment, I thought some humor would be well deserved. The video below is hilarious.

Hope you laughed as hard as I did at this one. No matter what side of the political spectrum you hail from, this Jeff Dunham video with Walter should have made you chuckle. Keep up the good fight and stay safe out there.. – Security Defense

Most of the blog posts that we post here will be dedicated to providing you with information to keep you and your family safe and secure. Check back often for new information on this blog and new products on our security defense weapons website.

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