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Pondering Life and Family Security

Here I sit several days after my youngest daughters wedding with a big sigh.. It is such an event to plan for and execute a wedding, but we all did it. I am back to the grind of everyday life and I have been pondering on the importance of family.

My daughter and new son in law are embarking on their new life, while I am heading towards the twilight of mine. Not that I am that old But I am now moving to a new phase as I now have three grandchildren and one on the way. I makes me more focused on helping other keep there family units safe and secure.

Since I am in the mode of celebration, we at Security Defense Weapons extended a self defense coupon for all to use. This is in addition to our already huge security and self defense products sale that it is in full swing. Use coupon code: Wedding5 and receive $5 off all orders over $50. Save on everything from Stun Guns to Pepper Spray

Enjoying Daughters WeddingHere is a picture of my daughter and myself on her big day. Remember safety is a state of mind and the more you actively find ways to secure you and your family the safer you will become..

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