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Machete wielding old man Tasered by Police

In the article and video below, the 76 year old man was tasered by police followed up by pepper spray. This man could have been shoot, but instead a form of non lethal self defense was employed

Old Man Tasered by police
Newnan officers used a Taser on a man after he refused to put down a machete Credit Channel 2 Action News

Police entered a home on Field Street in Coweta County to find Frank Gates Sr., 76, wielding a machete and grabbing a man by the shirt, Channel 2 Action News reported. Gates was repeatedly asked to put the machete down, and when he didn’t an officer reached for his Taser to get him to comply, — Read More

Being an Escrima instructor and training in the use of a machete myself, I can attest to the danger of injury this man posed to both himself and the officers. It does give you some insight into both the workings of a taser in action and how pepper spray can disable an attacker.

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