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Knife vs Pepper Spray which Wins?



There has always been the question of who wins when it’s the knife vs the pepper spray? In the below article it is the pepper spray that wins..

SPRINGFIELD — Fast-acting police officers used pepper spray to disarm a knife-wielding suspect outside the Center Stage strip club early Wednesday.

Officers Jose Canini and Kevin Bell were working an extra detail inside the Dwight Street club when several patrons rushed inside at about midnight and said that a male was outside attempting to stab people in a fight, Sgt. John Delaney said.

The officers rushed out the front door to see the suspect with a folding knife in his hand who had been threatening others outside the club. An employee stood in between the suspect and his would-be victims, attempting to calm the situation down, Delaney said.

Canini yelled at the suspect who then turned and approached the officer with the knife.

“Thinking quickly, Officer Canini took out his pepper spray and was able to spray this suspect and distract him enough so Officer Bell could knock the knife from his hands.” Delaney, public information officer for the department, said.

The officers were able to handcuff the suspect without incident… Read More

The fast acting reflexes and training of the officer in the above article paid off and the knife wielding bad guy was pepper sprayed and then arrested. Pepper spray is a great non lethal form of self defense and we offer a huge selection for all your needs. Click here to see all the different types and brands that we carry.

Don’t forget to check out our blog posts on pepper spray training as well.

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