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Home Burglary Prevention Tips

Protect yourself from burglarsSo, exactly what does a house prowler desire?

Through experience we have learned that a thief mostly likes mostly things that belong to others and there are 2 main conditions that make it easy for a robber to get those things:

  1. An Open invitation
  2. A fast, easy, undetected entry and exit

You don’t stuff a prowlers invitation into an envelope as with a party invite; and you certainly do not hang a signs outside your house that reads: “Housebreakers Welcome Here!” with balloons attached at the mailbox . Yet, you’re sending an invitation and posting signs that become as obvious. When your newspapers pile up in front of your house or when you allow the mail to build up in the mailbox. Here are a list of more things that might send an invite to a would be prowler or thief:

  1. Unkempt yard, especially when it is normally well maintained
  2. Leaving your car keys in your vehicle as you dash into the store
  3. Places to hide that are concealed and/or dark
  4. Open windows while you’re away
  5. Leaving a note detailing that you’re gone
  6. Placing your spare house key on top of the door jam (You didn’t really think that that is a place for the thief to check first, did you?)
  7. Setting up an answering machine message revealing you’re gone
  8. Leaving the garage door up
  9. Not placing extra locks on your sliding glass doors
  10. Leaving your house dark for multiple nights
  11. A privacy fence that is not light or monitored
  12. Cheap and flimsy window locks and door latches
  13. Leaving your basement windows unsecured

Protect Your Home from Break InsOnce a burglar has received your invitation they begin to scout for a fast, hidden entry and exit. They often decide on a path with least resistance, one that offers him a good opportunity to get away without detection. This is why most burglaries happen at night, where the darkness offers cover. While nature supplies this opportunity; some of the other entry and exit cover listed below can include:


  1. The front window blocked by large shrubbery
  2. An dark and unlit alley behind your home
  3. That fence you have around your yard for privacy
  4. Any window or door that is left unlocked or unprotected
  5. The unprotected sliding glass door
  6. Any exterior door without the proper protection of a deadbolt

What do you do to protect your home from burglary? First follow the simple safety tips above and make sure you don’t forget. If you are looking to add some extra protection try some the home burglary prevention devices below:

  1. Install a DIY Wireless Home Security System
  2. Install a DIY Window and Door Alarm
  3. Use a Stone Diversion Safe to Hide your House Key
  4. Have a Barking Dog Alarm for when you are away.
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