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Hidden Security Camera Catches Man Breaking into a Sliding Door

A hidden security camera has many benefits to it’s owner, this one captured a robbery in progress and shows us all how fast some can get into a locked door if they have the means.

There is a video of the hidden security cameras footage at the bottom of this page.

Man Attempting to Break in Sliding Glass DoorSAN ANTONIO — A woman who lives on the West Side says her home security camera captured video of a man breaking into her house. Now she’s asking for help in tracking him down.

Val Valadez says this isn’t the first time she’s seen the man in her neighborhood.

“He goes up the steps. He walks across the deck,” said Valadez.

After a brief moment, the video captured by Valadez’s camera shows the man wearing a safety vest return to the sliding glass door.

“He just stuck something in there and just popped it right on open,” explained Valadez.

The break-in happened Friday just before 3 p.m. Valadez was at work and received a notification on her phone.

“When I saw it, yeah, I was trying to get home,” Valadez told us. “And my neighbors, I couldn’t think fast enough to get them to call the cops. They texted me about the same time my camera went off.”

With the security alarm ringing, the man left empty-handed a minute and a half later… more on this article here

It is very disturbing to watch this man make such short work of this sliding door. Because there are people like this out there in the world, we will keep finding tools to assist you in stopping them.

We are here for you..Be it a

  1. Commple HD surveillance system
  2. Hidden security camera
  3. Home security device
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