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College Campuses May Allow Small Self Defense Weapons


College Safety

I am absolutely of the mindset that each individual is and responsible for their own personal security, thus using a self defense weapon should be allowed on a college campus.

I came across this article stating that the Senate in Georgia is working on a bill that will permit certain small self defense weapons on college campuses.

I do realize this is a volatile topic, but as long as you are responsible and prepared, carrying a pepper spray or personal taser is your right.

ATLANTA — For the second day in a row, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would allow students to carry weapons on Georgia college and university campuses.

The committee approved a bill on Tuesday that would allow the use of electroshock weapons, or stun guns, on college campuses. The move comes a day after the same committee approved a bill that would allow students to carry a concealed firearm on campus if they have a permit.

Rep. Buzz Brockway, R-Lawrenceville, sponsored the bill, and said the primary goal was to provide another alternative for college students to defend themselves, especially if they do not feel comfortable carrying a gun.

The language of the bill was changed during the meeting to set further restrictions on who could carry stun guns on college campuses.

Following discussion, it was decided that anyone 18 and older or any student enrolled in classes at a college or university could carry a stun gun.

“I think the core of what I wanted to do is still in the bill, so I’m pleased,” Brockway said.

Sen. Vincent Fort, D-Atlanta, opposed the concealed gun bill and he believes the stun gun bill should set the age limit at 21, saying “these electroshock devices are dangerous and designed to do harm.”

Brockway said the inspiration for the bill came after he visited several college campuses and noticed confusion among students as to what kind of self-defense weapons they could carry, namely pepper spray.

“In my mind, these are defensive devices,” Brockway said.

“The right to defend yourself is what many consider a natural right.”

The bill could possibly make it to the Senate floor for a vote this week. — More

If you are heading off to college or you are sending your child off to college may I recommend the extreme college survival kit to keep you and yours safe and give you some piece of mind.

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