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How to Find the Best Flashlight Stun Gun

Women with Flashlight Self Defense Tool at Bedroom DoorThe best flashlight stun gun is one that has two activation buttons and a 95-decible zapping sound. These are the most effective tools in the event of a robbery, assault, or any other type of attack. The electric shock from these devices will cause a pause in an attacker’s movements and stop them dead in their tracks. These weapons deliver a charge of 1.60 volts, which is more than enough to deter a person from committing a crime.

Tips when looking to purchase a stun gun flashlight.

When purchasing a flashlight stun gun, look for one that is strong enough to be used as a self-defense baton and one that is lightweight and not too large. The best flashlight stun gun should have a power output of 100 lumens or more, which is more than enough to disorient an attacker for a moment. Other models may come with strobe options, and some are even rechargeable.

Another option is a high-lumen stun gun. The bright light from this device can blind an attacker, but it also has a strobe feature that overwhelms photoreceptors. In order to avoid permanent damage to the eyes, a strobe flashlight will overwhelm the photoreceptors. The only disadvantage of a flashlight stun gun is that it is a time-gathering tool. To avoid this, you should opt for a high-lumen version.

A high-lumen flashlight stun gun with 95m volts is the best choice for protection. This model is compact, 9.5 inches long, and has a strobe mode and three light modes. It can be recharged and comes with a nylon carry case. You can choose between a strobe light or a constant light. A strobe stun gun with a 0.5-microCoulomb rating is the most effective. Higher-lumen models have higher microCoulomb ratings, but you’re unlikely to notice a difference in how they work.

Discovering the Best Stun Gun Flashlight for you

The best flashlight stun gun should be compact and easy to hold. The light should be easily visible to an attacker so that you can avoid being injured by it. In a situation where you don’t know which weapon to use, it would be wise to choose the one with a low-voltage battery and a rechargeable one. When choosing a flashlight stun gun, look for a model with a hidden LED.

Whether you are looking for a flashlight stun gun or a regular stun gun, you can’t go wrong with the Triad 3-in-1 Stun Gun Flashlight and Alarm, which sends out 27 million volts of stopping power and produces a loud 130db noise when activated. It measures three and a half inches long and is one of the market’s most popular flashlight stun guns. The TRIAD is compact and perfect for carrying in your purse or pocket. It comes with a lifetime warranty.

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