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5 Child Safety Tips to Ensure Your Child’s is Safe at School

I came across these five tips for keeping your child safe while at school and on the way to school. I came across the article below via one of the many security, self defense and personal safety reports we monitor for you.

My children are all grown, but I have several grandchildren just starting school, ridding the bus, ect. This one hit home for me even though it was in England these tips are universal.

Following an attempted kidnapping at Crescentridge Primary School in Moorton, Chatsworth, last Thursday, parents are urged to make their child’s safety a priority at all times. It is essential for parents to be well-versed with tips on how to ensure that their children are safe while in school. The following five tips can assist in this regard.

Tip #1 – Meet regularly with teachers: 

Stay up-to-date on the school’s safety policy and follow up with any safety issues by meeting with teachers and administrators on a regular basis. These meetings should be held at least once a term with teachers or members of the school governing body.

Tip # 2 – The buddy system:

Encourage children to move in groups of friends when they are on lunch breaks or while walking home from school. Also remind them about the importance of walking on the pavement and looking on both sides of the road before crossing.

Tip # 3 – Address and phone number:

Teach children their home address or phone number should they get lost. This is a highly essential tip!

Tip # 4 – Alternate travel routes:

Make sure children know both primary and alternate routes to and from school. In an emergency, it is important to have a backup plan.

Tip # 5 – Network with other parents:

Meet with other parents about ways that school safety can be increased. This could include organizing parents to form a neighborhood watch before and after school, or creating improvements in traffic safety during drop off and pick up times.

Source: Five tips to ensure your child’s safety at school

These are some great tips, please share them with your friends and loved ones. We would love to hear any you may have. Please comment below.

If your child rides a bike to school or even after school we have some great items to help keep them safe, Check them out here.

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